February 13, 2025


Trailblazing music quality

Wear Your ABBA Costumes

If you loved their music, their soulful melodious voices and their path breaking looks and costumes, you are a die hard ABBA fan. The 70s disco sensations rocked the world with songs like “money, money, money”, “Dancing queen”, ” Voulez Vous”! They still continue to have successful solo careers but the heights they attained as the band ABBA are unsurpassed. After Volvo, ABBA was the next best thing to happen to Sweden and for several years they were revered and worshipped by the nation.

The ABBAs were as popular across the Atlantic too! Their albums opened at top slots on the UK and US music charts alike and their tours took them from the English speaking world of England and United States to the non-English speaking Scandinavia, Japan and Germany among others. They were equally loved everywhere they toured and their Swedish accents, hair, clothes, elaborate belts and fringed bottoms were copied and imitated all over.

Decades later, when you step out for a disco themed party, the first costume you think of donning is an ABBA costume. Be it a Fancy dress party at child’s school or a hen night party with the girls, an ABBA costume makes you feel like a queen! Perhaps the most ‘googled’ item when it comes to costumes is the blonde wig worn by Agneta in the ‘Dancing queen’. The wig can instantly transform you into another world, all you need is the vocals and you can rule the party. The ABBA costume is great as a couple’s costume as well. So, wear it to a Halloween party or a couple theme party and you are bound to be noticed and praised for your looks. The ladies could wear the mini-skirt with fringes with white boots; a shirt with flared sleeves with bells from the elbow onwards. Add a broad belt and a blonde or red wig and viola! The men could team their own trousers or a bell bottom with silver or blue patterned shirt and a blonde Bjorn wig as well. Carry inflatable guitars and strut your stuff with pride! Matching cat suits in white, silver or blue would also do wonders in transforming you into the perfect ABBA couple.

Invited to A theme party on the 70s? The best bet is to dress up as one of the band members of ABBA. Even if you simply wear long sleeved loose shirts with added fringes over bootlegs with three or four flares below the knee, everybody would know you are the ABBAs. The heightened popularity of the ABBAs makes their costumes so accessible and recognizable that you will never have to explain who you are dressed like! And if you have a voice to match, grab some lyrics and you have won the party already! One of the best places to compare and show off your ABBA costumes is tribute nights. The ABBA tribute nights see people donning costumes from particular songs and tours to the hilt. So, while the ‘Mamma Mia’ costumes are pretty famous, they are beaten hands down by the more widely chosen ‘Dancing Queen’.

Whether at Halloween, a costume party, fancy dress competition or the upcoming ABBA movie show don your best ABBA costume and impress the world around you!