The visions of holographic screens in your favorite sci-fi movie or TV show may honestly be here. It’s hard to believe and difficult to imagine but these new televisions of the future are already in the works. In fact researchers and engineers have already put together some exciting prototypes. Some examples have already made their way to the innovation and technology shows.
One such TV is called the Claro and it used a thin glass pane where a projector is used at just the right angle which also ignores all other light so that it can display an amazingly clear picture. The quality of this tv is outstanding. If you like, the futuristic look you can even have matching see through glass speakers.
The Cheoptics360 is another type of holographic display that is probably the closest to true 3D Holographic imaging. It can actually be seen from all angles and still provide amazing clarity in its picture quality. That’s a big improvement of even the latest LED televisions which have a limited viewing angle. Most will likely use some kind of projection on thin glass but there could be even more surprising designs out there in the future.
Other applications for this technology beyond the television industry could include military, medical, or computer gaming. It would be amazing to play your favorite online game in 3D holographic style. And holographic screen technology could change how we interact with our computers and other electronic devices in radical ways. Recall the Tom Cruise character in the movie ‘Minority Report’. Thanks to movie magic, the star was able to bring up files in a 3D holographic space in front of his computer screen. From there he could manipulate, organize, and move items around in the holographic space to examine different relationships between the data. We’ve seen this idea in the 2D space with Microsoft’s highly touted ‘Surface’ demo. Taking this technology beyond digital TV broadcasting and into the gaming world would similarly prove revolutionary. The possibilities could be just as endless as the LCD screen technology that changed our TV and computing world.
Only the future will show us where this technology will go but it is sure to be interesting. Before long, you might just be watching your favorite cable television show or movie on a crystal clear 3D holographic display. One thing is for sure, engineers and developers show no sign of slowing down the rapid pace of innovation currently taking place in entertainment.
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