February 3, 2025


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Halloween Costume Ideas – 25 Homemade Costumes to Make

Halloween costumes are fun to create. Many items to use with your Halloween costume can be found in your own home or at your area thrift store. Creating costumes can be inexpensive and lots of fun to make and to wear. You’ll find some of these will even work as last minute Halloween costume ideas.

Here are 25 costume ideas to help inspire you to make your own costume this year. It can be pretty simple to put a costume together and after you decide on one, browse the online Halloween retailer’s websites for your costume. You may get a few more ideas. Use your imagination and creativity when making a costume, as this makes the costume unique and truly yours.

Dracula: For this scary costume you will need a pair of black pants, a long sleeve white shirt, a black jacket and a white vest. Wear a black cape with a collar and a gold necklace. Slick your hair back with hair gel. Wear pale face make-up, dark eyes and bloody lips with blood also dripping from the mouth and of course, vampire teeth.

A Witch: You will need a long black dress with long sleeves, a witch’s hat, black shoes and a broom. Wear green and gray face make-up and dark gray lipstick. A fake wart on your nose would help too. Blacken out some of your teeth for a really ugly effect.

Tom Sawyer: Wear overalls that look worn, a dull plaid shirt and be sure to go bare footed. Place a straw hat on your head and chew on a piece of straw that is somewhat long. You can also add freckles to your checks and make your feet look dirty.

A Genie: You will need a pair of loose-fitting pants that fit tight around the ankles and a halter top or vest to match. Use a brightly colored scarf as a belt tied around the waist. Wear wide bracelets on your arms and large loop earrings. Go barefoot. Make a turban out of fabric and add a large plastic jewel on the front of the turban with fabric glue. If you can’t find the pants this outfit calls for, then use a pair of loose-fitting pants and, tie the pants down to your ankles with colorful ribbon and make the pants look puffy.

Instead of a turban, you could pull your hair up into a pony tail on top of your head. Add some bling in your hair. Drape a thin scarf across the bottom part of your face.

Peter Pan: Using dark green fabric, make a tunic that hits above the knee and has a jagged hem and jagged sleeves. Wear opaque black or green tights, a black belt and black shoes. Make a hat using the green fabric and add a feather to the hat. Place a dagger under your belt and you’re Peter Pan.

Igor: For this costume you will need a very large lab coat or white long sleeve shirt. Place stuffing into a pillowcase and sew it into the inside of the shirt for the hump. (You could also just use Velcro to keep it in place). Wear a pair of raggedy pants with holes in the knee areas. For a belt, use a rope and tie it in the front. An old and dull looking t-shirt that is ripped at the collar, sleeve and hem looks great. Carry a jar of brown colored water (use food dye) with a chunk of cauliflower in it for the brain. Shave your head and walk hunched over… shaving your head is optional.

Jack and the Beanstalk: For this costume, wear all green and wrap wired silk ivy all over yourself from head to toe. Using a straw hat, glue cotton balls on the hat for a cloud effect. A sprig of ivy should come out of the top of the hat. Make a tunic for a Ken doll and Ken becomes Jack, and you are the beanstalk. Carry a bag of beans to hand out.

Octomom: This is a really fun one. Wear long dark hair and big very red lips. Attach eight baby dolls all over yourself and you are ready to go.

Indiana Jones: For this costume you will need a brown hat with a brim. Use a rope for the whip and attach a handle – or use a jump rope, pull off one of the handles and spray paint the rope and handle. Wear brown paints, a tan shirt and brown boots. Wear a leather jacket. Use a rough sponge and brown makeup to create beard stubble. Add a few lines of dirt around your cheekbones, temples and under the jaw line.

A Sorcerer: For a sorcerer, use a long black or dark colored robe with long drooping sleeves and a robe belt (use a drapery tieback for the belt). Hang mystical items from the belt such as a pouch, herbs, crystals, and carry a staff.

Mrs. Claus: For this cute outfit glue cotton balls on a shower cap for the hair. Wear a white button down shirt, long white skirt, a red apron, red and white striped stockings and wire rim glasses on the tip of your nose. Add rosy red cheeks and you’re ready.

A Hunter: This one is really easy. Wear camouflage clothing, a hunter’s vest with lots of pockets, a camouflage hat, gloves and rubber boots. Carry binoculars, a canteen and a fake rifle.

A Devil: Wear red tights and a red turtleneck shirt. Make pointed ears out of red felt. Make the horns out of red felt with wire inserted or foam painted red and attach them to a headband. Make the tail out of felt with an arrow shape at the end and insert wire into the felt. Cover all the exposed skin with red body paint. Take a black brow pencil and draw your eyebrows at a sharp outward angle. Color your lips red or black.

Cat Burglar: This guy wears all black. Wear black leggings, a black turtleneck, black stocking cap, black socks and shoes, black eye mask and black gloves. Hang some tools from a belt and wear around your waist. Carry a sack over your shoulder.

Tinkerbell: Cut the hem of a short green dress into a jagged pattern. Put your hair in a bun and wear very little makeup (mainly, a little blush, lip gloss and mascara). Wear green flats with pompoms on top. Wear little fairy wings and carry a wand and a big smile.

The Easter Bunny:To be the Easter Bunny wear white sweatpants and a white hooded sweatshirt. Using wire and white and pink felt, make the bunny ears and attach them to the hood of the sweatshirt. Cut an oval shape out of the pink felt for the bunny’s chest and attach it to the front of the sweatshirt. Create a bunny nose and whiskers using makeup and wear white gloves. Carry a basket filled with colorful plastic eggs.

A Soldier: Wear military clothing such as: fatigues, hat or helmet, black boots, dog tags, utility belt with canteen and a fake grenade. Camouflage your face and carry a fake gun.

Teen Wolf: Wear a basketball costume and headband. Buy some fake fur from a craft store and using spirit gum attach it to any exposed skin. Wear rubber fingernails and high top tennis shoes.

A Rapper: For this hip guy you will wear baggy jeans that sag down your hips, a t-shirt and hoodie, a baseball cap tilted on your head, gold chain, big watch, a grill on your teeth (silver gum wrapper will work for the grill) and cool tennis.

Black Eyed P: This costume is super quick and easy. Wear a white t-shirt and with a black marker draw the letter P on it (be sure it is a large P). Using black face make-up, give yourself one black eye. Now you are a black eyed P.

Circus Clown: Wear coveralls over a brightly colored long sleeve shirt, converse tennis shoes (the older the better) and a clown wig or color your own hair with colored spray. Paint your face white and create a clown look that you like. Carry a noise maker and spray silly string.

School Crossing Guard: This one is quick and easy. You will need to wear dark colored clothes (slacks and button down shirt), a whistle around the neck and carry a stop sign.

Rock ‘n Roll Star: All you need to be a rock star is a pair of leather pants, leather jacket or vest, spiked dog collar, fake tattoos, long haired wig or spiked hair, and sunglasses. Be sure and carry a toy guitar.

A Used Car Salesman: Slick your hair back using lots of hair cream. Wear a plaid polyester suit, a button down shirt and several neck chains. Hand out business cards you made yourself and tell people you can get them a great deal.

Marge Simpson: Wear a Marge Simpson wig or make a wig out of blue yarn. Wear a green tube type dress with elastic around the top, orange flat shoes and a bead necklace. Use make up to color your skin yellow.